英文简历写法最好避开千篇一律,不要都采用一样的格式,要有自己的特色。以下是咨询行业电子版英文简历模板。欢迎阅读! 咨询行业电子版英文简历模板No.67, Lane123, Job Road, Job District, Shanghai, China 200070 |
笑一个8文档网@.com | (+86) 13xxxxxxxxx |
Job Objective: Entry Level in Strategy Consulting |
KPMG FORENSIC | New York, NY | September 2023-Present |
Investigative and Integrity Advisory Services (IIAS) Senior Associate |
• | Provide litigation and investigative services, such as class-action and anti-money laundering services, as well as fraud and misconduct diagnostics |
• | Serve as co-administrator for database with over 100,000 records in ongoing class-action suit for City of New York |
• | Build fraud investigative team within Internal Audit group of major telecommunications company |
• | Co-manage small teams on engagements for large data preparation and analysis projects |
• | Manage and analyze large amounts of client data for investigation purposes |
• | Create reports for client presentations and internal use and prepare materials for pitches to prospective clients |
• | Translate client documents from Spanish to English for engagements |
• | Worked extensively at client sites in Latin America reviewing relevant documents for cases, preparing reports on findings for clients, and interviewing personnel regarding client procedures |
• | Conducted anti-money laundering engagement involving major banks and private entities in Uruguay and Argentina |
• | Managed contract dispute case in Columbia involving government and private entities in telecommunications industry |
• | Led investigations of questionable write-offs and profit statements for publishing and engineering firms in Mexico |
SALOMON SMITH BARNEY | New York, NY & London, UK | May 2010-August 2010 |
Global Fixed Income E-Commerce Group Intern |
• | Analyzed usage statistics for fixed income researchwebsite, Salomon Smith Barney Direct |
• | Wrote proposals for future development of site based on customer usage and changes in data presentation |
• | Redesigned areas of site for more interactive use by customers in future release |
• | Trained other employees on new functions added to site |
• | Helped set up new users for site and assisted with questions about site on helpline |
• | Rotated to London E-Commerce desk for two weeks |
• | Led global data restructuring project for European Region |
• | Worked extensively with London staff to correct current data on customers and find missing customer data |
CAREER SERVICES, UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA | Philadelphia, PA | September 2009-June 2010 |
Database Manager, the Wharton School Group of Career Services |
• | Developed and formatted divisional databases of information on past graduates |
• | Developed applications for querying database |
• | Designed web pages for division website |
STARTEC GLOBAL COMMUNICATIONS | Bethesda, MD | May 2009-August 2009 |
• | Edited and updated departmental procedural handbook for Network Operations Center (NOC) |
• | Assisted in planning and implementation of department's transition to new location |
• | Worked with Global Carrier Services to audit cellular rates offered to other companies |
• | Helped develop new Small to Medium Enterprise Division (SMED) |
UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA | The Wharton School | Philadelphia, PA |
• | Bachelor of Science in Economics, May 2005 |
• | Concentration in Operations and Information Management (OPIM), Information Systems |
• | Minor in History of Music |
• | Software: Microsoft Office, Microsoft SQL Server, Visual FoxPro, ACL (Accounting Control Language), Claris Works |
• | Computer Languages: HTML, basic Java and Visual Basic, C, Visual FoxPro |
• | Bilingual (English and Spanish) |
• | Avid classical music and opera aficionado |
简历写作三原则 一份卓有成效的英文简历是开启事业之门的钥匙。正规的简历有许多不同的样式和格式。大多数求职者把能想到情况的都写进简历中,但我们都知道没有人会愿意阅读一份长达五页的流水帐般的英文简历,尤其是繁忙的人事工作者。这里有三条写简历的重要原则:以一个工作目标为重点,将英文简历视为一个广告,再就是尽量陈述有利条件以争取面试机会。 第一原则是要有重点。 一个招聘者希望看到你对自己的事业采取的是认真负责的态度。不要忘记雇主在寻找的是适合某一特定职位的人,这个人将是数百名应聘者中最合适的一个。因此如果简历的陈述没有工作和职位重点,或是把你描写成一个适合于所有职位的求职者,你很可能将无法在任何求职竞争中胜出。 第二条原则是把简历看作一份广告,推销你自己。 最成功的广告通常要求简短而且富有感召力,并且能够多次重复重要信息。你的简历应该限制在一页以内,工作介绍不要以段落的形式出现;尽量运用动作性短语使语言鲜活有力;在简历页面上端写一段总结性语言,陈述你在事业上最大的优势,然后在工作介绍中再将这些优势以工作经历和业绩的形式加以叙述。 制作简历的第三条原则是陈述有利信息,争取成功机会,也就是说尽量避免在简历阶段就遭到拒绝。 为面试阶段所进行的简历筛选的过程就是一个删除不合适人选的过程。如果你把自己置身于招聘者的立场就会明白:招聘时每次面视都需要较长时间,因此对招聘者来说进入面试阶段的应聘者人数越少越好。招聘者对理想的应聘者有也有要求:相应的教育背景,工作经历,以及技术水平,这会是应聘者在新的职位上取得成功的关键。应聘者应该符合这些关键条件,这样才能打动招聘者并赢得面视机会。同时,简历中不要有其他无关信息,以免影响招聘者对你的看法。 记住,写作简历时,要强调工作目标和重点,语言简短,多用动,并且避免会使你被淘汰的不相关的信息。人力资源管理者都很繁,在筛除掉不合适的应聘者前不会花费时间来浏览每一份简历。当你获准参加面视,简历就完成了使命。 咨询行业电子版英文简历模板下载地址(word版本):咨询行业电子版英文简历模板.doc